2016 was a very long year for a lot of people including my family. I first wrote about the start of it here. While we are still on our journey (David had his first CT scan of 2017 today), I am grateful for many things. Grateful to his doctors, nurses and health care providers who have been taking care of him since February 6, 2016. Grateful that we have insurance and that he was (and is) able to go to the doctors and get the care and medicine that he needs. Grateful to my friend, Suzi Babbin Finer for starting a
Go Fund Me page for my family last year and to every single person who contributed or helped to pass along the information, we would not have survived without YOU, so from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Grateful to my students and online friends who took my classes, bought my art and helped to support us when we needed it most. Grateful to our family and friends who were there when we needed them. So again, THANK YOU. We love you. We appreciate you. I'm off to hug my husband for the gazillionth time today. We still have a long road ahead but I am full of gratitude and love for those of you who have held our hands and our hearts along the way.